One of the biggest sleeper issues (in my opinion) for US companies when granting equity awards to non-US employees or other service providers is the fact that their heirs may be assessed with US estate tax and be required to file an estate tax return in the US if the individual dies while holding equity awards or shares. US Estate Tax Exemptions Individual US taxpayers (i.e., US citizens and non-US citizens who are domiciled in…
In many cases, when a candidate is recruited, they are being offered a new hire grant of equity awards and (possibly) subsequent “refresh” grants. Depending on the company, this can be a significant component of the employee’s total compensation and may be the most important piece to get the candidate to accept the offer. So, naturally, companies tend to include information about the equity awards in the offer letter provided to the candidate, together with information…
We are pleased to share a recent LegalDive article, “Why companies should review noncompetes in equity award agreements,” with quotes from Barbara Klementz. Given increased government scrutiny, employers need to be mindful of the time periods noncompetes cover and review state-specific requirements. In the light of the sharp focus the federal government and a growing number of states have placed on noncompetes, many employers have reexamined their use of that type of contractual clause in…
March 14, 2023, is recognized as Equal Pay Day in the US. This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn the same amount that men earned in the previous year. Because women earn less, on average, than men (according to the US Census Bureau), they must work longer for the same amount of pay. It is vital to know that the wage gap is even greater for most women of color. In recent years, legislatures have…
On August 22, 2022, the Indian Government issued new exchange control rules affecting share-based awards offered to Indian residents by non-Indian issuers. In particular, the Indian Government issued the Foreign Exchange Management (Overseas Investment) Rules, 2022 (“OI Rules”), Foreign Exchange Management (Overseas Investment) Regulations, 2022 (“ODI Regulations”) and Foreign Exchange Management (Overseas Investment) Directions, 2022 (“ODI Directions”). The new OI Rules replace all previously available exemptions to grant share-based awards to Indian residents with a single…
Vietnam is becoming an increasingly important market for talent, and we have witnessed growing demand for the offering of share-based awards to employees in Vietnam in recent years. Due to currency control restrictions imposed by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), including the requirement that each plan be registered with the SBV, it has traditionally been challenging to implement a share plan in Vietnam. Since the adoption of Circular 10 in 2016, the SBV registration…
Sadly, due to Covid-19, it is now virtually certain we will enter a recession. While the experts are arguing about the length and severity, everyone agrees the current circumstances will lead to many businesses failing and a spike in unemployment. We are already seeing a significant decline of share prices across all industries and the accompanying volatility in the financial markets. I recognize that many of you are worrying about more pressing problems, such as…
Why hire through a PEO? When companies start expanding internationally, it is often important to “put boots on the ground” as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. The traditional approach of establishing a local entity and employing employees through the local entity may not always work due to the cost and time involved in setting up and maintaining the local entity and local payroll, as well as the complexity of establishing and administering supplementary benefits. Aside…
Sweden has not been a country previously featured in this blog, but we have become aware that the Swedish Tax Agency (the “STA”) has contacted several local employers in recent months to seek clarification on the amounts withheld in relation to equity award income and correct the reporting where needed. We believe it is possible that many more companies could be audited with respect to their equity award tax withholding practices in 2019 and beyond.…
Gender pay gap and pay equity are big discussion topics for companies around the world as more and more countries enact laws intended to close the gender pay gap and as case law develops involving discrimination claims related to pay equity. Beyond strictly legal obligations, many companies also face shareholder and employee pressure for increased transparency around diversity and gender pay. The Gender Pay Gap vs. Pay Equity In brief, the gender pay gap relates…