
Equity awards


The new Overseas Investment (OI) Rules issued on August 22, 2022 replace all previously available exemptions to grant share-based awards to Indian residents with a single exemption (the new “general permission”), which requires, inter alia, that semi-annual reports be filed with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The reports will need to be submitted by an Authorized Dealer Bank in India (i.e., the bank in India involved with the remittance of funds under the plan)…

2022 will be viewed as a year of political turmoil in the UK with three different prime ministers during the year. While all were leaders of the UK Conservative party, the tax policy objectives were significantly different leading to proposed changes being reversed in some cases. For more information on the latest developments in the UK, see our recent NASPP guest blog post here. *Thank you to our colleague Gillian Parnell in our London office…

Over the years, we have advised many companies on the considerations related to suspending vesting of equity awards and/or suspending participation in an employee stock purchase plan while an employee is on a leave of absence. This seems like a relatively straightforward concept. In practice, however, it can be difficult to get right and a challenge to administer. When determining whether to adopt a leave policy, companies will want to consider: the proposed terms of…

It’s easy to read current financial headlines and understand that it’s possible the US and other countries may be headed into or are currently already in an economic recession. Either way it doesn’t hurt to start preparing for a potential downturn. In such a downturn, it’s quite possible that corporate budgets will tighten and companies will be tasked with finding ways to stretch each dollar further than the quarter before. Equity stock plan administrators tasked…

Global equity award programs can be costly to the US parent corporation. One strategy to offset some of this expense can be to use recharge arrangements to transfer some of the cost to the local entities that award holders are employed by. This can produce a tax benefit at the local level that would not otherwise be available to the US parent. To consider if recharge arrangements should be included in your global equity plan,…

Vietnam is becoming an increasingly important market for talent, and we have witnessed growing demand for the offering of share-based awards to employees in Vietnam in recent years. Due to currency control restrictions imposed by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), including the requirement that each plan be registered with the SBV, it has traditionally been challenging to implement a share plan in Vietnam. Since the adoption of Circular 10 in 2016, the SBV registration…

One of the most important issues that arises in any M&A transaction from a compensation perspective is the treatment of stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock units (RSUs) or other compensatory equity awards, whether vested or unvested, held by executives and other employees in the transaction. Below is a high-level summary of key issues to consider in managing equity awards in the transaction.1 Scope of Outstanding Equity Awards. The first step to determining the treatment…